Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thanks again...

Thanks again for a great class!  I hope you all had a good time and learned a thing or two.  I certainly enjoyed spending my Wednesday nights with you!  As a parting gift, I invite you to post any WIP to the blog for one more round of notes (though the notes may have to wait until next month when I'm out of crunch time).  Also, here's a link to the lecture on "Eyes" (which I didn't finish in class).

Eyes notes

Have a bitchin' summer!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

More lecture notes

Here are some notes from the "thinking" lecture (very short without clips!)


And here are notes from my "polish" lecture, which is still a work in progress, and we did not cover all the material in class.


Anim Jam topic: Alien Encounter

Just a reminder!  Anim Jam clips are due next Wednesday in our final class!  Exactly 100 frames, any animation medium you like, blocking is fine.  Topic is open to interpretation.  Prizes will be awarded.  I hope you all can participate!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Here's a link to Aaron Koressel's tools.

I need to learn to type quieter....just got caught by Victor....hehe

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Question For Everyone

Hi everyone,

As you've heard me say, technology hates me..

My computer has started acting up again, showing similar issues that I had last term, in which Victor is well aware of.  Out of curiosity, my question to everyone is:

1) How much RAM are you working with in Maya, and

2) which versions of Maya are you using?

Maya 2015 and 2016 have given me a handful of issues in the past, which is why I stick to my old 2010 version, but I'm wondering if said issues go hand in hand with my "vintage" computer (2009 iMac).

Thank you in advance and happy 4th!


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Bring in your Maya files

Hi All,
I'm told the Mac in our classroom has been upgraded with more RAM, and seeing that I'm running a little short on lecture material I thought it might be good to open up some of your shots in Maya.  I think this would be especially useful for those of you in spline or polish mode.  I'm no whiz in Maya, but I can fix things!  So feel free to bring in your Maya files, and don't forget to bring along any referenced characters or models in case we don't have copies in the classroom.  See you tomorrow!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Hey Victor,

if you have a chance  please take a look my progress for this week.

Thank you
